What is HDCP?


High-bandwidth digital content protection, or HDCP, was created by the Intel Corporation. HDCP is all about preserving the integrity of varied audio and video material as it passes across a variety of different sorts of interfaces, as its descriptive name suggests. The functionality of HDCP will be supported by the likes of GVIF, DVI, and HDMI.

Is HDCP free?

No, HDCP demands a valid license. The license may be bought via Digital Content Protection, an Intel Corporation subsidiary. In most cases, obtaining the license requires submitting an application and paying an annual fee. The permission to utilize HDCP is provided if the application is approved and the user accepts the license agreement's conditions.

Some of the key terms for the HDCP

The transfer of data to unauthorized recipients is one important concept. In other words, a receiver that has not been confirmed to be HDCP compliant is not able to receive protected content from an HDCP protected video source. Additionally, there is a restriction on the material's quality, requiring that on any non-HDCP digital audio outputs, the DVD-audio content be of CD-audio quality or below. The licensed operator further promises to refrain from using their tools to manufacture duplicates of material and to ensure that original content is produced within the constraints of the law's current content protection regulations.

Type of devices use make use of HDCP

The HDCP protocol is used by a wide range of devices. Typical examples are DVD players and equipment that can play high-definition DVD components. Another illustration would be Blu-Ray discs. Generally speaking, the output signal type that may be read and translated can be structured by the device maker by setting an image constraint token.

How widespread is the use of HDCP?

In the US, HDCP has been commonly utilized since 2004. HDCP has also made headway elsewhere. For all HD-capable devices in Europe, the European Industry Association for Information Systems has judged HDCP to be a necessary component. HDCP is used by the newest Microsoft operating system, Windows Vista, as a feature of graphics cards and displays.

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