Human Computer Interaction (User Research Techniques)Assignment 1

 human-computer interaction (HCI)

In the past thirty years, the field of study and development known as human-computer interaction (HCI) has drastically changed how we use computers. Augmented reality, group action, computer-mediated communication, computer-supported collaboration, crowdsourcing and social computing, cyberlearning and future learning technologies, inclusive technologies and accessibility, interactive audio, mixed-initiative systems, mobile interaction design, multi-touch interaction, social media, social networks, tangible user interfaces, ubiquitous computing, and user-centered design are some of the research topics and areas that are covered in this field.

The HCI community at Northwestern is active throughout all of its schools, with teachers and students working on a variety of projects. Computer science, communication, learning sciences, and technology & social behavior are among the programs that HCI students can choose from. The Segal Design Institute also offers courses and seminars to students.

 download our assignment  from below link

1. Assignment 1 – User Research Techniques

1.1 Focused Learning Objectives: LO2, LO4 

1.2 Weightage: 15% 

1.3 Deadline: On 5th week – 21st August 2022 23:30 (No extensions will be given, submitting to the deadline is an industry best practice)

 1.4 Submission: As explained in the text.

 1.5 Aim: Identify usability issues of the interfaces on a selected project and refine them using any user research technique.

 1.6 Objectives: 

a. Find and select project (web or desktop) individually. 

b. Get into groups with EXACTLY 5 members as you like. 

c. Bring the selected project (web or desktop) by each of the members to the group. 

d. Finalize on one project by discussing with group members. 

e. Take a workload of 3 interfaces by each member, once finalizing a project. 

f. Identify 3 stakeholders from 3 categories according to the project. 

g. Draw 3 personas to represent different stakeholders. 

h. Write a suitable script for contextual inquiry for 3 users. 

i. Take video recordings of the issues pointed by showing the selected project to the stakeholders. 

j. Find at least 10 usability problems while analyzing the videos. 

k. Rate the Usability problems as high medium and low. 

1.7 Things to concern: 

• Project should have at least 3 interfaces per member. 

• Students cannot add new functionality to the selected project, only redesign existing aspects. 

• Upload the recorded videos into a drive and make it public. 

• Video evidence is needed for all 3 contextual inquiries.

• Identify at least 5 usability issues in 5 individual interfaces based on the contextual inquiries. 

• Student groups who fail to identify 5 usability issues should redo the contextual inquiry by changing the script as required.

1.8 Special requirements: 

• Form a group of five members. 

All five members must be in the same lab group. you cannot form a group with students in different lab groups. The maximum number of members in a group is 5. After the registration, we will not accept any changes in between the group. 

• The Leader must register your group by providing group information on the given form in Courseweb. (Student id, name, email address, contact number, practical group) on or before 31st July 2022. 

1.9 Submission:

 Submit a group report on or before the deadline mentioned above. The report should be arranged according to the template given below.

1.10 Report template: 

• Maximum 12 pages including the cover page. 

• PDF file name: IT3060HCI2021_Assignment1_Group 

• Cover page content: IT3060 Human Computer Interaction, Assignment 1, Project title, Group number, Group name, Group member details. 

• Required Group member details: student id, name, workload distribution • Body of the report: 

▪ Project Description 

▪ Alternatives considered 

▪ User groups identified 

▪ 3 Personas for selected 

▪ Usability issues identified by the students 

▪ Scripts for contextual inquiry for 3 users 

▪ 3 Video links 

▪ Usability issues identified based on contextual inquiry 

▪ Ratings of the Usability problems as high medium and low

▪ Time schedule (Gantt chart) 

• References (Not counted into the page limit). 

• Appendix (additional diagrams/descriptions/etc. can be included in the appendix and the appendix is not counted into the page limit). 

• NOTE: Max page number excludes the appendix, which you can include diagrams/descriptions/etc.

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