Online Vehicle Rental System Pure PHP,HTML,CSS,XAMP,MYSQl with source code


 ------Vehicle Rental System------

This is Online vehicle Rental System and I did this project for our university one subject I use pure PHP,HTML,CSS,JS for this and also I included DB with source code. I include login and register operation and also I include lot of crud operation.


Name of Project:    Online Vehicle Rental System

Language Used:      PHP

Database Used:      My SQL

Design Interface:    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML

Browser:                  Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,

Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP

How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime

Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “Rental ””  folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,

Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7th. Create database name rental

Step 8th. Import rental.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder

Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/ Rental

Admin username,password = Andrew    ,   1234@@

System Images

MySQL database

Thank you😍

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