Online Banking System jsp,servlet MVC architecture java web application with source code.


This is our OOP project we develop web application that is online banking system so I will describe more about our web application. 😍 We mention our project details after the mvc architecture details.


do you know what is the mvc architecture ?

Model, View, and Controller(mvc) are the three basic logical components that make up an application using the architectural pattern known as framework. MVC is hence an abbreviation. Each element of the architecture is designed to tackle a particular application development task. The business logic layer and presentation layer are separated by MVC. Historically, it was applied to desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). MVC architecture in web technology is now widely used to create both web and mobile applications.


A view is the area of the program that depicts how data is presented as a example when you go to the website you can see lot of components (login form, register form etc.) that are the view.When you insert something inside the form that go the controller part.

The information gathered from the model data is used to construct views. A view asks the model for information so that it can show the user's output presentation.

The view also displays the data from tables, charts, and diagrams. Any customer view, for instance, will include all the UI elements, such as text fields, drop down menus, etc.


The area of the application that manages user interaction is known as the Controller. The controller interprets the user's mouse and keyboard inputs, causing the model and view to adjust as necessary.

The model receives commands from a controller to change its state (E.g., Saving a specific document). Additionally, the controller issues directives to its associated view to modify its visual appearance (For example scrolling a particular document).


The model component houses the logic and data for the model. It represents any connected business logic or data that is being moved across controller components. A Controller object, for instance, will get the customer information from the database. It modifies data and either uses it to render the same data or sends it back to the database.

It responds to the views' requests for updates as well as the controller's requests for updates. Additionally, since it is the lowest level of the pattern, it is in charge of maintaining data.


consider car ,car has panels, the steering wheel, the brake and more these are use to give function to engine so driver can see panels, the steering wheel, the brake but he can not see engine that store inside the car so panels, the steering wheel, the brake so these component are view of the car and that view input handle by the engine so controller is the engine other thing is we need to store (DB) data inside the car we need to store fuel storage(diesel and petrol) is the model of the car.

Okay lets talk about our project details.😇

we use Eclipse enterprise edition and MySQL workbench and apache server  to do this web application .we get few functions 

  • admin management (login only)
  • user management(login, register, profile delete and update )
  • bank account management(add account details, update account, view account details and delete details)
  • loan management(add loan details, delete and update loan details and view of the loan details)
  • employee management(add employee details, update and delete employee details and view all the employee details)
when login to the admin we can see 3 management that are bank account management, loan management and employee management because that all function should include inside the admin.

admin username = admin , password's = admin@@ 


admin username = andrew , password's = andrew@@

our database and table 

you need below software application and  below tool or source to run this application and I will give link also

  • Apache Tomcat server
  • MySQL workbench
  • eclipse enterprise edition
  • jar files (need to store bin folder and set the build path with adding jar files)
  • java jdk
Apache Tomcat server downloads link :




project view 

project downwards link :

file structure 

thank you 💓

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